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Max van der Horst

Max van der Horst is a Security Researcher that focuses on Vulnerability Intelligence, Geopolitical Risk Analysis, and mass-scale Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. His involvement with the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD) and its Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) includes coordinating new and ongoing investigations into the public exposure of emerging vulnerabilities and their exploitation in the wild. Through his work, Max aims to support the development of a safer Internet by combining his technical knowledge with an understanding of the broader cyber threat landscape, ethical and legal considerations and collaboration with governments and academia.

In addition to his work at DIVD, Max works as a Security Researcher at Thales, focusing on improving security aspects within military or naval operational commands. Moreover, Max holds a Master’s degree in Security and Network Engineering from the University of Amsterdam, where he conducted research on counterintelligence measures, cyberdeterrence policy and the optimisation of Internet-scale Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure. For the last of these, he received the first prize in the Responsible Internet thesis awards by the Royal Holland Society for Sciences and Humanities.