Research and Publications

ECCRI Welcomes New Junior Researcher and Content Manager

The European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) welcomes Hannah-Sophie Weber as a new Junior Researcher and Magdalene Karalis as a new Content Manager to the organization.

As a Master’s graduate (MPhil) and incoming doctoral candidate (DPhil) at the University of Oxford, Hannah-Sophie Weber works on European cyber and foreign policy, specifically on public-private interaction and critical infrastructure. She holds two degrees of B.A. Political Science & B.A. Empirical Cultural Studies and European Ethnology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich.

In addition to her new role at ECCRI, Magdalene Karalis is also a research associate at Chatham House. Her research primarily focuses on how open-source investigations impact the online environment during conflicts and on tracking global Russian influence operations. She has worked with the Center for Information Resilience and Protection Group International, monitoring Russian influence operations worldwide and examining disinformation on social media with a special focus on elections. She holds a Joint Honours BA in Political Science and Russian from McGill University and an MSc in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics, where her dissertation focused on frozen conflicts within the former Soviet Union’s sphere of influence.

“We are excited to welcome Hannah-Sophie and Magdalene to our growing team,” said Max Smeets, Co-Director of ECCRI. “Their skills and enthusiasm will be great assets to our organization. We look forward to working with them.”