Research and Publications

ECCRI Cybersecurity Fellowship 2024-2025 – Application Open Now

The European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) invites applications for the European Cybersecurity Fellowship for the year 2024-2025. This year-long program aims to help highly talented young European professionals accelerate their careers in cybersecurity policy.

We aim to select up to 14 fellows for the period from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025.

We are looking for people from a wide variety of backgrounds, including government, civil society, the private sector, journalism and academia, with a strong interest in cyber security and a passion for driving change.

The fellowship is led by Max Smeets, Co-Director of ECCRI, and Patryk Pawlak, Part-Time Professor at the European University Institute’s (EUI) Robert Schuman Centre and the Project Director for the Global Initiative on the Future of the Internet (GIFI).

Fellowship features

Expert workshops

Fellows are provided with the opportunity to engage in regular online workshops focused on career and skill development, facilitated by renowned specialists in the field. Workshop themes encompass a range of subjects such as ‘Effective Strategies for Crafting an Impactful Op-Ed’, ‘Understanding the Dynamics of EU Cyber Policy’, ‘Deciphering Technical Threat Intelligence’, and ‘Navigating Content Moderation’.

In the past, those who have led workshops have included: Toomas Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia from 2006 to 2016; Nathalie Jaarsma, Dutch Ambassador-at-Large for Security Policy and Cyber; Paul Timmers, former Director at the European Commission Directorate for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity; Christian-Marc Lifländer, Head Cyber Defence at NATO; Shashank Joshi, Defence Editor of The Economist; Charley Snyder, Head of Security Policy at Google; Lindsay Freeman, Director of Technology, Law and Policy At UC Berkeley School of Law.

Annual Brussels Field Trip

Fellows will visit Brussels on an annual field trip. They will gain insights into the heart of European policy-making and networking opportunities with key policymakers and practitioners in cyber security.

Writing and Policy Support

Fellows participate in writing workshops, enhancing their policy-relevant communication skills. This includes guidance in crafting an 800-1000-word op-ed for Binding Hook on a topic related to European cybersecurity.

Personal Development Grants

Fellows can apply for personal travel and development grants to attend key cybersecurity conferences and trainings, facilitating professional growth and network expansion.

Alumni Network

After graduating from the program, fellows become part of ECCRI’s Alumni network. Here, they will receive continued support from the ECCRI team and fellow alumni to further develop their careers.

Time Commitment

The fellowship is designed to be flexible yet immersive, requiring an estimated time commitment of 10 hours per month. This allows fellows to balance their professional responsibilities while fully engaging with the program’s offerings.


A strong interest in cyber security, European policy, and the role of technology in democracy is required. Successful candidates will have academic aptitude, maturity, strong social skills, flexibility, and open-mindedness.

Candidate must:

    • Reside in a European country
    • Be under 35 years old at the time of application
    • Be highly proficient in English
    • Demonstrate strong interest in cyber security and European policy
    • Demonstrate high-level academic and/or professional achievement or potential
    • Be comfortable with travel and interaction with a multinational, co-ed group of participants from across Europe

Application Process

To apply, please fill out the application form HERE and include the following:

    • a CV/Resume
    • a 500-850-word essay on one of the following questions:
      • What are the primary cyber risks to the integrity and security of the elections in 2024, and what measures can be taken to mitigate these risks?
      • Can an offensive cyber program ever be truly responsible?
      • ‘Cyber threat intelligence lacks conceptual and methodological rigour.’ Discuss.
      • Explain the dynamics of cyber conflict using a suitable analogy.

The deadline for submitting your completed application is February 18, 2024. We do not accept applications that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline.

There are no application fees, and ECCRI covers travel and lodging costs for related events.


The fellowship is made possible by institutional partnerships with Microsoft, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Malta, Mandiant, and the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation.

If you would like to support the fellowship program please contact us at